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Search results for: spirit lifted

No results found containing all search terms. 83 results found containing some search terms.

4 pages of results.
... Verses But thou, O godless man, and of all other most wicked, be not lifted up without a cause, nor puffed up with uncertain hopes, lifting up thy hand against ...
... Apocrypha Tobit 8:3 Tobit 8:3 Parallel Verses The which smell when the evil spirit had smelled, he fled into the utmost parts of Egypt, and the angel bound him ...
... 8 Parallel Verses Because that she had been married to seven husbands, whom Asmodeus the evil spirit had killed, before they had lain with her. Dost thou not know, said they ...
... said unto him, Touching the heart and the liver, if a devil or an evil spirit trouble any, we must make a smoke thereof before the man or the woman, and ...
... , and bare him by the hair of his head, and through the vehemency of his spirit set him in Babylon over the den. Then the angel of the Lord took him by ...
... 1 Parallel Verses O Lord Almighty, God of Israel, the soul in anguish the troubled spirit, crieth unto thee. O Lord Almighty, God of Israel, the soul in anguish ...
... 16 Prayer of Azariah 1:16 Parallel Verses Nevertheless in a contrite heart and an humble spirit let us be accepted. Nevertheless in a contrite heart and an humble spirit let us be ...
... Apocrypha Prayer of Azariah 1:64 Prayer of Azariah 1:64 Parallel Verses O ye spirits and souls of the righteous, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt him above all ...
... Therefore when she was led to be put to death, the Lord raised up the holy spirit of a young youth whose name was Daniel: Therefore when she was led to be put ...
... serve thee: for thou spakest, and they were made, thou didst send forth thy spirit, and it created them, and there is none that can resist thy voice. Let ...
... people that dwelleth in the mountains had not set light by me, I would not have lifted up my spear against them: but they have done these things to themselves. Now therefore ...
... shouted for joy, and my weak ones cried aloud; but they were astonished: these lifted up their voices, but they were overthrown. Then my afflicted shouted for joy, and ...
... Apocrypha 1 Maccabees 16:13 1 Maccabees 16:13 Parallel Verses Wherefore his heart being lifted up, he thought to get the country to himself, and thereupon consulted deceitfully against Simon ...
... Parallel Verses And after his death he prophesied, and shewed the king his end, and lifted up his voice from the earth in prophecy, to blot out the wickedness of the people ...
... Wisdom of Solomon 1:5 Wisdom of Solomon 1:5 Parallel Verses For the holy spirit of discipline will flee deceit, and remove from thoughts that are without understanding, and will ...
... 3 Wisdom of Solomon 5:3 Parallel Verses And they repenting and groaning for anguish of spirit shall say within themselves, This was he, whom we had sometimes in derision, and ...
... which is the worker of all things, taught me: for in her is an understanding spirit holy, one only, manifold, subtil, lively, clear, undefiled, plain, ...
... is at rest, let his remembrance rest; and be comforted for him, when his Spirit is departed from him. When the dead is at rest, let his remembrance rest; ...
... Ecclesiasticus (Sira) 11:13 Ecclesiasticus (Sira) 11:13 Parallel Verses And lifted up his head from misery; so that many that saw from him is peace over all ...
... Parallel Verses The hopes of a man void of understanding are vain and false: and dreams lift up fools. The hopes of a man void of understanding are vain and false: and ...
... Ecclesiasticus (Sira) 34:13 Ecclesiasticus (Sira) 34:13 Parallel Verses The spirit of those that fear the Lord shall live; for their hope is in him that saveth ...
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