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Search results for: "by faith"

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More than 176 results found.

8 pages of results.
... there in massive gold: Away with doubts and sadness, tears and sighing! It is by faith, by patience, and by dying That we must conquer, as our sires of ...
... that has neither sense nor grace bawl out something about Christ and His blood, or justification by faith, and his hearers cry out, "What a fine Gospel sermon!" ' ...
... them shall we then enjoy that vision of the Holy Trinity in which we now but walk by faith. For we now believe what we do not see, that so by the merits ...
... Him in Whom they believed not; we look upon Him by devotion, and behold Him by faith. 5. Let Him therefore stand in your midst, that the heavens, which ...
... , since we are justified by it, according to Rom.5:1 : "being justified by faith." It is therefore inappropriate to include faith among the free graces, especially when ...
... God's unfailing promises. The imperishable Word declares, " . . . The just shall live by faith." How can we obey this fundamental law of life unless we can avail ourselves ...
... . For the habitation of the house is required pure fasting, and it is made firm by faith. There is also needed for it pure prayer, and through faith is it accepted ...
... had gained abundant experience of the great evil arising from mistaken ideas on free grace and justification by faith only. He had seen doctrines greedily entertained to the vast prejudice of Christianity, as ...
... the things to be believed in faith. This is not because all men believe them purely by faith, but because they are necessary presuppositions to what is believed by faith, and must ...
... others. 62. So, then, even if thou wilt not believe in our resurrection by faith nor by example, thou wilt believe by experience. For many products, as the ...
... of faith is required for the justification of the ungodly. For as a man is justified by faith, so also by other things, viz. by fear, of which it is ...
... is made perfect by charity, precedes the act of the intellect, which is made perfect by faith, as the cause which precedes its effect. It follows that charity precedes faith. ...
... mind, not the circumstance of a spiritual personal relationship. It is recognized that justification is by faith and not of works, and it is quite clear that Aquinas held no brief for ...
... it can be known with certainty that the world began, and not only is it known by faith. On the contrary, The articles of faith cannot be proved demonstratively, because faith ...
... On the other hand: it is said in Rom.5:1 : "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God. . .." I answer: as we ...
... Objection 1: It would seem that an angel cannot enlighten man. For man is enlightened by faith; hence Dionysius (Eccl. Hier. iii) attributes enlightenment to baptism, as ...
... not gather the Church together, but the faith of Christ. For the law is not by faith, but "the just man lives by faith." [3496] Therefore, ...
... Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is revealed a righteousness of God by faith unto faith: as it is written, But the righteous shall live by faith. ...
... me a book, expounding the Faith, since your Majesty knows that victories are gained more by faith in the commander, than by valour in the soldiers. For Abraham led into battle ...
... will which is perfected by charity, precedes the act of the intellect, which is perfected by faith, as the cause which precedes its effect. Therefore charity precedes faith. Therefore faith ...
... but with the knowledge which is of inward inspiration; not with the knowledge of those who by faith seek God while he is absent, but with clear vision of God as present to ...
... " as the Philosopher states (Ethic. v, 1) . Now man is justified by faith according to Rom.5:1 : "Being justified therefore by faith let us have peace ...
... of virtue," as it is said in 5 Ethics 1. But he is justified by faith, according to Rom.5:1 : "Therefore being justified by faith, we have ...
... in the person, as it were, of the whole Church, which is united together by faith. Now the faith of the Church is living faith; since such is the faith ...
... unyielding resolution and confidence, and your faith in your physician." What did he mean by faith in my physician? What had that to do with it? He explained. " ...
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