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Search results for: paraclete

299 results found.

12 pages of results.
... Bible Sermons John 14:16 The Paraclete J. Brown, D. D. John 14:16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter ...
... the fruit of righteousness. If Christ was only man, how does He say that the Paraclete "shall take of His, those things which He shall declare?" [5131] ...
... Holy Spirit, whom our Lord and Saviour in the Gospel according to John has named the Paraclete. For as it is the same God Himself, and the same Christ, so also ...
... added to it a third Canon in which a kind of Gospel (the Logia of the Paraclete), analogies to the Pauline Epistles, and an apocalypse were to be found. Zahn's ...
... of the Name of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, inasmuch as each is called Paraclete and Truth. 132. Who, then, would dare to deny the oneness of Name ...
... Bible Library Christ as Paraclete, as Propitiation, and as the Power of God. Origen's Commentary on the Gospel of John — Origen But none of the names we have mentioned expresses ...
... Bible Sermons John 16:7 The Paraclete T. Hamilton, D. D. John 16:7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I ...
... to receive a few things and to throw over many things, in the same way the Paraclete who is promised in the New Testament teaches us what part of it to receive, and ...
... why this epistle begins, "Manichæus, an apostle of Jesus Christ," and not Paraclete, an apostle of Jesus Christ. Or if the Paraclete sent by Christ sent Manichæus, ...
... Bible Library The Paraclete, or Holy Ghost He is Distinct from the Father and the Son as to their Personal Existence. One and Inseparable from them as To Against Praxeas — Tertullian ...
... with them. [5736] While He had been with them, they had had one Paraclete, [5737] or Advocate, ' Who had pleaded with them the cause of God ...
... Bible Sermons John 14:16 The Paraclete C. H. Spurgeon. John 14:16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that ...
... Bible Library Achamoth Purified from all Impurities of Her Passion by the Paraclete, Acting through Soter, who Out of the Above-Mentioned Impurities Arranges Matter, Separating Its Evil From Against the Valentinians ...
... Bible Library Waiving Allusion to the Paraclete, Tertullian Comes to the Consideration of the Ancient Scriptures, and their Testimony on the Subject in Hand. On Monogamy — Tertullian Waiving, now ...
... Him to have waited so long, even to these days, before He actually sent the Paraclete? [1779] Nay, rather, as has been already said above, He gave ...
... a heresy; nor is there any other cause whence they find themselves compelled to deny the Paraclete more than the fact that they esteem Him to be the institutor of a novel discipline, ...
... the Word in Old Testament may be Son in New, as Spirit in Old Testament is Paraclete in New. Objection from Acts x.36; answered by parallels, such as 1 Cor. ...
... which we have summarized in what we have already said, and declares that he is the Paraclete whose mission was presignified by Jesus. And by this assertion, in his ignorance perchance, ...
... Ghost [459] . Complete and perfect is the number of the Trinity. How the Paraclete, the Spirit, is through the Son: Who was sent and came according to His ...
... Who is the Spirit of God and of Christ; Whom, further, Scripture designates the Paraclete, and the Spirit of life and truth. 55. But no one will doubt that ...
... commandments: and I will ask the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter [Paraclete], that He may abide with you for ever; [even] the Spirit of ...
... "novel." This (even) broader assertion we make: that even if the Paraclete had in this our day definitely prescribed a virginity or continence total and absolute, so as ...
... judge quick and dead, and remaineth for ever: And in the Holy Ghost, the Paraclete, the Spirit of truth (Joh. xv.26), which also God promised by His ...
... attempted to form himself into a Christ, and then also proclaimed himself to be the very Paraclete and the Holy Spirit. Then, as if he were Christ, he selected twelve disciples ...
... advocate" "helper" and a simple transference of the Greek word into English, "Paraclete." The word translated "Comforter" means literally, "one called to another's side ...
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