18 results found.
... - Volume 1 — John Calvin 1. The king will rejoice in thy strength, O Yehovah! and in thy salvation how greatly will he rejoice! 2. Thou hast given him ...
... Commentary on Psalms - Volume 1 — John Calvin 12. Who is the man that feareth Yehovah, he will teach him, in the way that he should choose.13. His soul shalt ...
... Jehovah. The Hebrew verb yhv, yahab, signifies to give, so that yhv, yehobcha, according to the ordinary rules of grammar, should be rendered thy giving, or thy ...
... [284] Calvin here reads Dominus, although the word in the Hebrew text is yhvh Yehovah, which he almost uniformly retains. In the Septuagint, yhvh, is always rendered by ...
... , Adonai, one hundred and two of Kennicott's and De Rossi's MSS. read yhvh, Yehovah, which may be presumed to be the true reading. As the Jews, from the ...
... verses in this psalm where dny, Adonai, occurs, many MSS. read yhvh, Yehovah We have before observed, (volume 1, [17]page 13, note 2 ...
... correction) at the bottom of the page: n'mn yhvh vkl dvryv vtsyd vkl msyv Neeman Yehovah be-cal debaraiv; ve-chasid be-cal maasaiv. This exactly corresponds with the reading in the Septuagint. ...
... from what they ought." [280] Some critics observe, that as yhvh, Yehovah, the name which denotes the infinite, self-existent essence of God, is not the word ...
... [630] Our author here uses Dominus; but in the Hebrew it is yhvh, Yehovah [631] The Septuagint has "Eis diathoran"- to corruption. The rendering of ...
... In the Hebrew Bible it is dny, Adonai; but several MSS. read yh'h, Yehovah [53] "qdr is literally dressed in mourning; ' hence it may, by ...
... 453] Here our author uses Dominus, but in the Hebrew text it is yhvh, Yehovah. [454] In Tyndale's Bible the reading is, "And giveth wisdom even unto ...
... is more important to inquire why she says that she has received, t yhvh (eth Yehovah.) Some expound it, with the Lord; ' that is, by the kindness ...
... stronger than that of David in Psalm 1:2 , vtvrt yhvh chphtsv, (bethorath Yehovah Chephtzo,) in the law of the LORD is his delight."- Stock [ ...
... "The God of gods, even Jehovah," are l lhym yhvh, E1 Elohim Yehovah Each of these words is a name of the Divine Being. The first has reference to ...
... "yh yh (Yahh Yahh) is not an error of the text for yhvh (Yehovah) (Houbigant,) but an intensive repetition similar to those in verses 17, 19 ...
... guilt was to be punished on the guilty. More than that, R. Levi saith: Yehoyaribh [" Jehovah will contend"], the man [the name of the man or ...
... , p. 32 , on the identification of Joachim and Heli. The name Joachim (Yehoyaqim) means The Lord shall make to stand (or rise) ' (e.g. IV ...
... Contra Haereses," ii. c. xxxv.3. He seems to have confounded Adonai and Yehovah. The latter word was regarded by the Jews as the "unutterable" name. Hence ...