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Search results for: continual

27246 results found.

1090 pages of results.
... Bible Sermons John 15:9-11 Continuing in Christ's Love J. Brown, D. D. John 15:9-11 As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you ...'s_love.htm
... heart of a man and all his being; they do not let him rest, they continually suck his heart; sins are- prickly thorns, constantly goring the soul; sins are ...
... Bible Sermons Hebrews 13:14 Present Change and Future Continuance S. Martin. Hebrews 13:14 For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come. ...
... Bible Library Continual Prayer and Its Effects Expositions of Holy Scripture — Alexander Maclaren Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks.- 1 THESS. v.16-18. The peculiarity and ...
... Bible Sermons Continual Prayer and its Effects Alexander Maclaren Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks.- 1 THESS. v.16-18. The peculiarity and the stringency of these three ...
... Bible Library Whether Penance Can be Continuous? Summa Theologica — Saint Thomas Aquinas Objection 1: It would seem that penance cannot be continuous. For it is written (Jer.31:16 ...
... "Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of My hands; thy walls are continually before Me," [23] says the Lord God. How much consolation and life ...
... , even unto the thunder which penetrated the soul of one, who followed the church with continued malignity, calling unto him, "Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?" ...
... , and how His Majesty began to send her many infirmities. Chapter V.- She continues to speak of the great infirmities she suffered and the patience God gave her to bear them ...
... Bible Library part ii. Natural Law in the Spiritual World — Henry Drummond THE Law of Continuity having been referred to already as a prominent factor in this inquiry, it may not be ...
... . Hebrews 13:15 By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.… It ...
... sinners, it is impossible you should enter into any such delights as these, while you continue in an unregenerate state. 1. One very considerable part of the happiness of heaven consists ...
... XXI — Alexander Maclaren As the Father hath loved Me, so have I loved you: continue ye In My love. If ye keep My commandments, ye shall abide in My love ...
... slily supplieth with such despair, that, though not much guilt attendeth souls, yet they continually have a secret conclusion within them, that there is no hope for them; for they ...
... saith it of us, as well of us as of you. "If ye shall continue in My word," not of course in my word who am now speaking to you ...
... brought to Christ in the course of the year; and thus a foundation was laid for continued preaching, the people soon contributing to their own support. The Rev. John Lindsey was ...
... Heaven and Earth. Ge 2:1 . The Narrative of the Six Days' Creation Continued. The course of the narrative is improperly broken by the division of the chapter. Ge ...
... For three days longer she lived, never ceasing to exhort the people whom she loved to continue steadfast in the Lord, and watching over the distribution of her last alms. Having given ...
... Athenagoras And let no one think it strange that we call by the name of life a continuance of being which is interrupted by death and corruption; but let him consider rather that this ...
... survived this deliverance. He was honourably interred within the city, that his hallowed remains might continue to defend it. When in 363 Nisibis yielded to Persia, the Christians carried the sacred ...
... , a woman flying before the dragon, a woman flying into the wilderness, there to continue in an afflicted and tempted condition, and to be glad of wilderness nourishment, until the ...
... As was observed above in the preceding article, the local motion of an angel can be continuous, and non-continuous. If it be continuous, the angel cannot pass from one extreme to ...
... be commensurate with the place, and according to its exigency. Hence it is that the continuity of movement is according to the continuity of magnitude; and according to priority and posteriority of ...
... every instant of that time. Therefore all instantaneous changes of the kind are terms of a continuous movement: just as generation is the term of the alteration of matter, and illumination is ...
... be adopted, the apostle means that, in consequence of that offering thus made, Abel continued even to his time to receive an honourable mention. This act was commended still; and ...
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