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Search results for: eucharistia

29 results found.

2 pages of results.
... God (see Didache, 9.10) . Therefore, even the sacred meal itself is called eucharistia (Justin, Apol. I.66: he trophe haute kaleitai par' hemin eucharistia . Didache ...
... thlibomenou, ou peri dedemenou e lelumenou, ou peri peinontos e dipsontos. VII 1. Eucharistias kai proseuches apechontai, dia to me homologein ten eucharistian sarka einai tou soteros hemon Iesou Christou ...
... doxa eis tous aionas.3. tris tes hemeras houto proseuchesthe. IX 1. Peri de tes eucharistias, houtos eucharistesate; 2. proton peri tou poterionu Eucharistoumen soi, pater hemon, huper ...
... quæ, [in ecclesia Christi] et sacramenta vocantur, duo sunt, baptismus, et eucharistia. Hæc rerum arcanarum symbola non nudis signis, sed signis simul et rebus constant. In ...
... Eucharist. The First Apology of Justin — Justin Martyr And this food is called among us Eucharistia [1910] [the Eucharist], of which no one is allowed to partake but ...
... Nam 1^0 Cur eam vocem reformidemus, qua Latini uti non dubitant, ubi de Eucharistia loquuntur? Quale est illud Cypriani in epistola 63 ad Cæcilium: Vino Christi sanguis ostenditur. ...
... thanks to God," the exhortation would have been too limited. The Greek word, eucharistia, though it usually signifies Thanksgiving, admits of being translated Grace. "All our conversations ...
... ei tis en allotria gnome peripatei, houtos to pathei ou sunkatatithetai. IV Spoudasate oun mia eucharistia chresthai; mia gar sarx tou kuriou hemon Iesou Christou kai hen poterion eis heosin tou haimatos ...
... See Numbers 21:4-9 . [8357] John 3:14 . [8358] Eucharistia (neut. pl.) = eucharisteia (Fr. Junius in Oehler): perhaps ...
... on ( [2985] Q [81] , A [8 ] ) . {Eucharistia} (gratitude) means "good thanksgiving," and is mentioned by Macrobius: wherefore ...
... and thanksgivings according to his ability [Kaye renders (p . 89) euchas homoios kai eucharistias, hose dunamis auto, anapempei, "with his utmost power"], and the ...
... Cup of Blessing is a partaking of the Blood of Christ. Panis et vini transubstantiatio in Eucharistia, ex sacris literis probari non potest, sed apertis scripturæ verbis aduersatur, sacramenti naturam euertit ...
... . p. 50. [1513] The quotation is not quite exact, " 'Eucharistias kai prosphoras ouk apodechontai" being substituted for eucharistias kai proseuches apechontai. Bp. Lightfoot ( ...
... 3 ) . rather giving of thanks- a happy play on sounds in Greek, "eucharistia" contrasted with "eutrapelia"; refined "jesting" and subtle humor sometimes offend the ...
... our Lord with the church practice of his own day, in this very point. "Eucharistiae sacramentum et in tempore victus, et omnibus mandatum a Domino, etiam antelucanis coetibus nee de ...
... " And once more (ibid. 66): "This food is called among us Eucharistia [the Eucharist], of which no one is allowed to partake but the man who ...
... of Christ." [630] Homily IV. on the giving of thanks (peri eucharistias), is on text 1 Thess. v.16. Our Lord, it is remarked, ...
... Fessler, Inst. Pat. i. 530, and the quotations under the word "Eucharistia," in the Index of Basil ed Migne. Contrast Gregory of Nyssa, in chap ...
... ) shows by various examples" (on Phil.3:9 ) . Erasmus translates alla mallon eucharistia, of Eph.5:4 , as sed magis gratiarum actio, "but rather by giving ...
... . Dusk came on; lights were brought in; she immediately attempted to chant the epiluchnios eucharistia- but "silently with her hands and with her heart." She once more signed ...
... ] All' hora me huponoeses ekeino to muron psilon einai. hosper gar ho artos tes eucharistias meta ten epiklesin tou hagiou Pneumatos ouk eti artos litos, alla soma Christou, houto kai ...
... 150] chala ton tonon, athroon legon. [151] mustagogian. [152] eucharistia. [153] ton prokeimenon. [154] exenechtheisan, perhaps "officially declared. ...
... case of some of these terms (e . g. sacerdos = episcopus, sacrificium = eucharistia) the choice contributed largely to the development of doctrine, and it is reasonable to suppose ...
... See The Traditional Text, p. 104. [169] alla kai hemas epi tes Eucharistias legontas, eis tous aionas ton aionon, k.t.l. Contra Haer. lib. i. ...
... to the Eucharist, and agapan (Sm.7) means to celebrate it. In Ignatian phraseology Eucharistia is used where the blessing of Holy Communion is denoted, Agape means the whole service of ...
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