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Search results for: subtilize

306 results found.

13 pages of results.
... to give additional diligence that, casting aside all curious and thorny questions, and those idle subtilities which derive their origin from human vanity, they commend to their hearers this one and only ...
... Shimeah David's brother: and Jonadab was a very subtle man. And Jonadab was a very subtil man. Every virtue has its counterfeit. As there is a friendship which is true and ...
... 18. Until another king arose, which knew not Joseph: 19. This man dealt subtilely with our kindred; he evil-entreated our fathers, that they might cast out their infants, ...
... he said to the woman, Yes, has God said … Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto ...
... a power equally great: for to digest bodies so very many, so very fine and subtile, so divers in motion and tendency, that they shall never hinder or disturb one another ...
... , which were handled among the scribes, questions, who were wont to discuss religion more subtilely. By the word customs, he meaneth those rites which were common to the whole nation ...
... Peter 3:3 ) . CHAPTER III. Ver.1. "Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto ...
... own foul and hideous bulk; whether gross, which they called earth, or thin and subtile (like the body of the air), which they imagine to be some malignant mind ...
... pretext of another thing, or altogether escapes the dim eyes of men, because of its subtile and spiritual nature. Both are in this business: the enmity of man's heart against God ...
... like that rarity of texture which we instinctively ascribe to pure, incorporeal spirit, as that subtile, tenuous ether which, it is believed, pervades the clear, impalpable sky, and ...
... in some measure enlightened, then they transform themselves into angels of light, and deal more subtilely with us. And there is no greater subtilty of Satan, nor no stronger self deceit ...
... in some measure enlightened, then they transform themselves into angels of light, and deal more subtilely with us. And there is no greater subtilty of Satan, nor no stronger self deceit ...
... ill? The goodness of Almighty God endureth ever still. ^2Thy tongue mischievous calumnies deviseth subtilely, Like to a razor sharp to cut, working deceitfully. ^3Ill more than good ...
... in him trust I will. ^3Assuredly he shall thee save, and give deliverance From subtile fowler's snare, and from the noisome pestilence. ^4His feathers shall thee hide; thy ...
... , each one following his own inclinations, and that they have taken bodies more or less subtile, and have received names, for among the heavenly Powers there is a difference of names ...
... carefully the work of divine providence. [832] For whereas the philosophers have introduced certain subtile and difficult words, so that not even the terms that they use in their discourses can ...
... would do well to remember, That the wicked, when they attempt to hide themselves under subtile refuges, cannot deceive God, and necessarily deceive themselves. Some read- They (that ...
... that even against our will, aye and without our knowledge idle thoughts steal upon us so subtilely and secretly that it is fearfully hard not merely to drive them away, but even to ...
... How the Divine Word speaks and reveals itself in the soul, all in a lofty and subtile sense. Matt. xxi.10-17.- "And when he was come into Jerusalem, all ...
... the tyrannical will of the king alone: Jeroboam was not induced by superstition, but by subtile wickedness, to erect altars elsewhere, and not at Jerusalem. The people then might have ...
... 1Jo 3:8 ; 1Ti 2:14; Re 20:2 ) . more subtile- Serpents are proverbial for wisdom (Mt 10:16) . But these reptiles were ...
... make of them! (Alleine.) Parallel Verses KJV: Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto ...
... Library How Sin came In Expositions of Holy Scripture — Alexander Maclaren Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto ...
... DEFORMITY. (The Homiletic Review.) Parallel Verses KJV: Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto ...
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