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Search results for: venerate

2790 results found.

112 pages of results.
... Bible Library Whether no Venereal Act Can be Without Sin? Summa Theologica — Saint Thomas Aquinas Objection 1: It would seem that no venereal act can be without sin. For nothing ...
... Bible Library Whether the Matter of Lust is Only Venereal Desires and Pleasures? Summa Theologica — Saint Thomas Aquinas Objection 1: It would seem that the matter of lust is not only ...
... Bible Library Whether the Lust that is About Venereal Acts Can be a Sin? Summa Theologica — Saint Thomas Aquinas Objection 1: It would seem that lust about venereal acts cannot be ...
... authority. 4. All things being accepted and remaining perpetually established which were defined in the venerable councils at Nicaea, and Constantinople, in the first at Ephesus, and at Chalcedon, ...
... And receiving their holy and honourable reliques with all honour (times), I salute and venerate these with honour (timetikos proskuneo), hoping to have a share in their holiness. ...
... Bible Library The veneration of saints and relics Hymns of the Holy Eastern Church — John Brownlie The veneration of saints and relics took its rise on the overthrow of paganism at the time ...
... Address from our own Convention. If our whole Church owes a debt of gratitude to the venerable prelates who laid hands on Seabury, surely this Diocese has especial cause to acknowledge to their ...
... by him to be raised unto eternal life, and to be glorified, are to be venerated by the faithful, through which [bodies] many benefits are bestowed by God on men ...
... , opens or closes heaven, gives salutary counsels, rules, etc. O, how venerable is the office of priest! Do you see, brethren, how many benefits the Creator ...
... Bible Library The General Service to the Venerated and vivifying Cross. The General Menaion — Anonymous For, "O Lord, I have cried," the Stichera, Tone 7. ...
... a.d.423.) To Cælestine, [2910] My Lord Most Blessed, and Holy Father Venerated with All Due Affection, Augustin Sends Greeting in The Lord. 1. First of all ...
... genus. Therefore, since pleasures of the palate which are the matter of abstinence, and venereal pleasures which are the matter of chastity, pertain to the touch, it seems that chastity ...
... pleasure; and they long for them because they think that thereby they will find satisfaction, veneration, power, renown, and happiness. It is the good then which men seek by ...
... trial It would be strange if we had reaped no benefit from our national study of and veneration for the Bible. What then does the person of the King represent to us, clothed ...
... If you persevere in that orthodox Faith in which you have begun, and the sacred and venerable images be by your means erected again in those parts, as by the lord, the ...
... , &c . The which Approbations they gave first voluntarily, upon the request of the Venerable Author, and submission of his writings to their judgment; and a second time by the ...
... spring of that action, and the ground of its righteousness, in a just sentiment of veneration toward God. True godliness has the soul for its seat and God for its object. ...
... : "Let us condemn Him to a most shameful death." Therefore we should not venerate the cross but rather we should abhor it. Objection 2: Further, Christ's humanity is ...
... 1 ] ), the formal and completive element in virginity is the purpose of abstaining from venereal pleasure, which purpose is rendered praiseworthy by its end, in so far, to wit ...
... for pleasures of touch Objection 4: Further, there are pleasures of touch not only in venereal matters but also in eating. But continence is wont to be applied only to the use ...
... AA [1 ] ,6 ) wherever we find something incompatible with the right use of venereal actions, there must needs be a determinate species of lust. Now sexual intercourse with women ...
... canons. They said that we should be led as (by the hand) by the venerable images to the recollection of the incarnation of Christ and of his saving death, and if ...
... evil, they took in hand unlawful deeds, thinking to suppress altogether the depicting of the venerable images. Accordingly, as many icons as were set in mosaic work they dug out, ...
... is due to God alone, it is not due to a creature so far as we venerate a creature for its own sake. For though insensible creatures are not capable of being venerated ...
... [153] , A [3 ] ), the sin of lust consists in seeking venereal pleasure not in accordance with right reason. This may happen in two ways. First, ...
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